Monday, 11 July 2011

Grave and Mundy mystery

Dave the Grave and A.P.Mundy appear  to have concocted together to produce their first winner(s) of the competition. Strangely though they both picked the same horse. A previous post which intimated a possible link between the gruesome twosome seems now to have added some clout to the allegation. The horse Dream Ahead romped home at Newmarket priced at 7/1. The question was that who copied who in picking the horse. In a thorough  fact finding investigation into the grubby affair it does seem that Mr Mundy entered the horse first. Unfortunately for Mr Grave when blatantly copying Mundys' selection he made the schoolboy error of spelling the horses name wrong and more seriously writing in UPPER CASE text. This will not be tolerated and is frowned upon by the administration. When consulting the rule book it was discovered that Rule 1a clearly states thus:-

Any tipster who spells the name of the horse incorrectly will incur a deduction of 30p in the Pound of any profit made.

and also Rule 4b says:-

Any tipster foolhardy enough to have the "brass neck" to enter his/her selection in UPPER CASE will   incur a deduction in 60p in the Pound of any profit made.

In conclusion to this episode it is decided that Mundy shall receive his 7pts profit and Grave I'm sorry to say, will  receive a 90% penalty, and should think himself awful lucky that a further 5p in the Pound was not deducted due to his shameless copying of Mundys' tip. He will therefore gain 0.7pts profit

Dream Ahead earns 7pts for  ONE tipster  while the other can Dream On 

  1. Elmo Weston  12.5
  2. A.P. Mundy     1.00
  3. Big 'Un      0.00
  4. Billy Kemp  -2.00
    15 Dave The Grave -6.90

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