Sunday, 29 April 2012

First Swimming....sorry..... Canoeing trial.

From Left to Right - Lone Wolf, Carl, Jim, Jonny, Kev K, Pete, Noel, Kev M, 

Yesterday at approximately 14:00 hrs an "impressive" team of nine "gallant" souls took to the cruel waters of the mighty River Leam on the first training session leading up to to the Irish Deliverance beano. After a week of persistent rain in the Leamington area the river was running high and fast which would prove to be testing conditions for all, but especially two of team. Nine of the Eleven adventurists (One in Yorkshire and one called mysteriously to work on a Saturday?) arrived at The Leam Boat Centre in dribs and drabs sporting an interesting choice of apparel most completely inadequate for an afternoons paddling. Eye contact was averted as other patrons of the boat centre must have thought that a "care in the community" day out had arrived for a gentle paddle around the small pond in front of the centre. Lone Wolf who for people who read the Mongol Rally blog will be only to aware of, arrived with nothing but two cans of Tennants Super Tramp Juice which if you study the photography above, can be seen bulging unashamedly in his pockets. One of the cans was opened and quaffed rapidly as Lone Wolf started the day as he meant to go on. Fortunately he refrained from hurling the empty can in the river and embarrassing all, but calmly placed the can down on the counter for one of the staff to dispose of. The first leg of the jaunt was to Warwick where we would join the River Avon for a hundred yards or so and then disembark and haul the canoes up on the viaduct to the canal then head back toward Leamington. No real mishaps befell the team bar from a few collisions with the bank (Steering difficulties) which in turn meant wrestling with some overhanging willow trees to avoid head-butting any branches. The inclement weather fortunately was enough to allay the threat of "friends" pelting us from the bridges with eggs and flour however when approaching any bridge a nervous anticipation of a pummelling was a constant threat for all, that is except Lone Wolf who was completely oblivious due to the Tramp Juice. Well earned refreshment was needed and the canal side Moorings Pub served as the ideal opportunity for drink and reflection on our progress. Now getting in and out of a canoe is not as easy as it sounds especially for anyone who ain't got a clue how to approach this task. I can advise from newly found experience that climbing over one boat to get into another is not to be recommended. How I never ended up it the cut was pure luck. Of course this caused much hilarity in the others. We eventually all climbed in our various boats only for Jonny & Kev.M to be sat the wrong way round, and Carl & Paul to be actually sat facing each other. More precarious manoeuvres were needed to correct the blunders but all survived without an early swim. The canal leg of the trip was a tad harder as the wind was blowing straight at us but we eventually arrived at the place where we rejoined the river. After clambering through a  
Jim discovers Mundys' plight
hedge it became immediately obvious that the final leg may  be more testing as the river was narrow, overhung by various trees and fauna, and moving rather rapidly. A lot of contact with the bank and overhanging trees ensued but all boats escaped serious trouble.... Enter the bickering team of Carl and Paul : Constantly and amusingly arguing and griping throughout the day they took a bend in the river perhaps a little faster that they should.......No DEFINITELY faster than the should have. An almighty sound of boat hitting tree filled the air followed by a splash, followed by " Mundy you stupid bast"........Splash. Paul (Mundy) and Carl were in the drink with Paul drifting alarmingly fast down the river clinging for dear life on to the upturned boat. Carl, hippopotamus like, blundered up the bank and was out in seconds. The rescue of Paul was now paramount and Jonny and Kev.M (the only boat near at the time of capsizing ) sprung into action....that is after Jonny took a few photo's for the blog and Kev. M managed to stop his uncontrollable laughter. Paul, teeth chattering by now was eventually caught and managed to grab the side of the boat and was then shepherded to the bank where Carl much to the amusement of the rest of the team gripped his collar and hauled him roughly  up through a small bramble thicket. The two sodden and shivering "sailors" then traipsed off  arguing and squelching for a lovely ten minute stroll to the boat centre. The remaining canoeists plus one empty boat, continued the short journey which was intermittently slowed down by bursts of  genuine uncontrollable laughter, to meet with the survivors.
Rescue Attempt
Mundy in the drink
Laughter and shivering.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

First "Training" Session

The River Leam near Jephson Gardens, Leamington Spa where
a very hard hat is advised whilst passing under the bridge
As the Irish Deliverance  looms ever closer it has been deemed necessary for the crew to actually attempt to get into a canoe and try our hands at bit of paddling. After a meeting a couple of weeks ago the first training session was proposed. Jonny's facebook page indicated thus ;

" Irish Deliverance 1st practice will be 6 miles down the white water of L/Spa 28/4,passing a number of pubs on route so this could take a while." 

If we canoe six mile down the mighty Leam through two tricky weirs, we'll actually be in the Avon. There again if we decide to head up river against the remorseless current then six miles will probably have us wedged in between the two banks and the bottom of the canoes scraping pebbles. But obviously the decision will be made according to the number of drinking establishments adjacent-ish to the banks. If enough pubs cannot be found then there is always the canal which can boast a fine choice of taverns which ever direction you go.